10X Your Channel Views with TRENDING TOPICS (with PROOF)

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10X Your Channel Views with TRENDING TOPICS (with PROOF)

To get more views on YouTube can seem like a hard task but if you chase trending topics it can 10X Your Channels Views and growth as long as you know how to follow up afterwards. Today I share with you proof that trending topical videos and offer rapid growth to grow a channel fast on YouTube and all you need to do is make sure you are prepared to react once the trend kicks in.

How To Grow on YouTube with Topical Trends and News

Katie Price Bankrupt, how is Katie Price’s Bankruptcy going to get you views? YouTube is all about great content at the right time. Sometimes that time might be in 3 years time, so you need to make the content evergreen, like tutorials. But sometimes the content that will help you grow your channel and get more views is topical, trending news happening RIGHT NOW and you need to jump on it and make sure you get as much juice out of it as possible to grow your channels baseline.